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Welcome to Eidolon

Eidolon is the best Unity SDK for building Web3 games in the world. How? By re-imagining the developer experience from the ground up.


Eidolon takes a nearly polar opposite approach to every SDK with the following philosophy.

Primary Focus on Developer Experience

The focus on developer experience runs deep in nearly every decision made when architecting and creating Eidolon. The reason for this is two-fold:

  1. We found developers having trouble building good software
  2. We found developers struggling to ship Web3 applications to market

Game development is complicated enough and we believe that adding blockchain functionality should not require major re-writes, complications, or confusion. Using Eidolon feels natural and flows within nearly any codebase. Eidolon’s core goal is to help developers build, better, faster.

Going Wide

A trend in the blockchain space is “going-wide” or deploying on multiple blockchains. However, applications themselves also may follow a similar trend with devices or platforms. An example is a game deploying first as a Web-based game and then choosing to launch on mobile second.

Eidolon enables both of these by allowing developers to use Eidolon with any EVM chain or multiple in one build. Additionally, Eidolon is designed at the lowest level to support Desktop, Mobile, and WebGL builds with NO need for custom templates, multiple builds, or even different code. Eidolon just works and enables your game to go wide in whichever ways you choose.

Maximum Flexibility

Game development is hard and developers often look to lean on various packages and tools to improve development speed, access to assets or features, or just avoid re-writing code that already exists. The core Eidolon SDK is a lean package that relies on Unity itself as well as the popular and battle-tested Web3 library for C#, Nethereum.

Reducing Vendor Lock-in

When using Eidolon, developers are NEVER tied to anything except Eidolon itself which they can at any point choose to switch away from. You are not tied to a wallet, you are not tied to a node provider, you are not tied to a blockchain. The goal of Eidolon is to provide the best developer experience possible without restrictions.

Projects Using Eidolon

Untitled Platformer

Untitled Platformer is a 2D side-scroller available on Web and Android. Untitled platformer successfully ported to Eidolon in November of 2023 and immediately saw:

  1. Reduced server load
  2. Faster load times
  3. Higher FPS
  4. Faster blockchain transaction time
  5. Improved player experience
  6. Massive reduction in codebase size